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Articles found: 36

– Office: Create Stylish Documents from Free TemplatesTo a large extent, the scope of what you can create using the main Microsoft Office programs – Word, Excel and PowerPoint – is limited only by your experience with those programs and your design skills. But perhaps your design skills aren’t too impressive, or you’re not familiar with the complexities of Office – or …

Categories: Office Programs
Operating Systems: 7, 8, 10, 11
Reference: O

– Online Storage with DropboxWith PCs, tablet computers and smartphones at your disposal, you can have Internet access wherever you go. So why should you have to leave all your files at home? By using the free Dropbox service, you can make your files available from any device just by copying them to a special ‘Dropbox’ folder on your …

Categories: Internet & Security, Optimisation
Operating Systems: 7, 8, 10, 11
Reference: O

– Options for Your Old ComputerThe time has come: you’ve decided to take the plunge and buy yourself a shiny new computer. But what are you going to do with your old one? Well, there are three options to choose between: you could keep it and find a use for it; you could give it away; or you could simply …

Categories: Hardware
Operating Systems: 7, 8, 10, 11
Reference: O

Outlook Express Troubleshoot Email ErrorsThanks to the rise of the home computer, email has become a primary form of communication and many now keep in touch with friends and family via this digital medium. All versions of Windows come fully equipped with a capable and versatile email client called Outlook Express, making it the most used email program on …

Categories: Internet & Security
Operating Systems: 98, me, 2000, XP
Reference: O10

October Update: What’s New in Windows 10?As a Windows 10 user you receive a new version of Windows roughly every six months. The latest is known as the ‘October 2018 Update’. It’s not completely new, of course, so you won’t have any trouble using it, but there are some new features you may want to use, along with a few other …

Categories: Updates
Operating Systems:
Reference: O100

Optimisation: Crucial Steps for a Super-fast PCAs you use your PC it becomes cluttered and corrupt, and will soon start to feel a lot more sluggish than when you first bought it. There are many reasons for this junk files start to accumulate, and the hard drive becomes fragmented, for example. But it doesnt have to stay like that. With a …

Categories: Optimisation
Operating Systems: XP, Vista, 7
Reference: O11

Optimisation: Speed-up Fundamental Windows ComponentsThere are many PC optimisation techniques that will give Windows a quick boost. But to really enhance the performance of your PC you need to go to the heart of Windows. The most fundamental components of the Windows operating system have performance parameters that can be tweaked to make your PC run faster. However, these …

Categories: Optimisation
Operating Systems: XP, Vista, 7
Reference: O12

Optimisation: Make Windows More ResponsiveIf there is one complaint that is heard again and again from computer users, it is that their machines are not performing as well as they used to. Over time it is almost inevitable that Windows will slow down, and this can make everyday tasks extremely annoying. Whatever you use your computer for, from playing …

Categories: Optimisation
Operating Systems: XP, Vista, 7
Reference: O13

OpenOffice: Free Productivity SoftwareDespite the rise of multimedia and high-speed Internet connections, boring old work is still by far the main use for todays PCs. Be it at home or in the office; word-processing and spreadsheets are essential tools for the Windows user and the all-powerful Microsoft Office is usually the software of choice for performing these tasks. …

Categories: Office & Software Programs
Operating Systems: XP, Vista
Reference: O14

OpenOffice 3.0: Words Newest CompetitorMicrosoft Office has long been regarded as the de facto standard that all other office suites are measured against. For many, though, the financial burden of owning such a product is either unjustifiable or simply out-of-reach. Unless you are a corporate user, or frequently use Microsoft Office as part of your business, then the chances …

Categories: Office & Software Programs
Operating Systems: XP, Vista
Reference: O15

Optimisation: Perfect Tuning for a Speedy PCWhen you first unwrap your PC, or freshly install Windows, no doubt the machine performed at blazingly fast speeds. Unfortunately, over time, Windows becomes bloated and things turn sluggish. The problem is all of the applications and their associated background tasks want a share of your PC’s system resources – the processor, memory and so …

Categories: Optimisation
Operating Systems: XP, Vista, 7
Reference: O16

Office: Safeguard Your Sensitive DocumentsDo you ever send Microsoft Office documents to others, or collaborate on them? If you do, you might be passing on more information than you know! All sorts of details could be a quick click away from anyone who wants to check them. And even if you don’t share documents knowingly, you might like to …

Categories: Office & Software Programs
Operating Systems: 7, 8, 10
Reference: O160

Office 2019: What’s New in the Latest Version?Like clockwork, Microsoft has released new versions of its flagship Office suite of programs every three years since 2007, and the latest – Office 2019 – has just arrived. It can be yours for a price, but is that price worth paying? And what do you actually get for your money? In this article, I’ll …

Categories: Office & Software Programs
Operating Systems:
Reference: O187

Optimising RAM & Cache MemoryWindows does not manage its random access memory (RAM) and cache memory in the most efficient way. When Windows is installed, the RAM and cache memory are setup so that they will offer the greatest number of users a stable system that will run all the applications that might be installed on their systems. The …

Categories: Optimisation
Operating Systems: 98, me, 2000, XP
Reference: O2

Office: Replace Microsoft Office with LibreOfficeAsk any computer user to name an office suite that includes a word processor and a spreadsheet, and the chances are that it will be Microsoft Office that is mentioned. While this is a powerful office suite, it is also quite expensive. Thankfully, it is possible to gain access to the vast majority of the …

Categories: Office & Software Programs
Operating Systems: XP, Vista, 7
Reference: O20

Old Computer: What Can I Do With It?The time has come: you’ve decided to take the plunge and buy yourself a shiny new computer. But what are you going to do with your old one? Well, there are three options to choose between: you could keep it and find a use for it; you could give it away; or you could simply …

Categories: Optimisation
Operating Systems: 7, 8, 10
Reference: O270

Office Free Alternatives to MicrosoftThe free alternatives to Microsoft Office are now extremely sophisticated. If you want a familiar Office-style interface and compatibility with Microsoft files, then a free suite may meet your needs. However, there are issues about differing file formats and the extent to which each alternative suite actually replicates all of the Microsoft Office functions. This …

Categories: Office & Software Programs
Operating Systems: 98, me, 2000, XP
Reference: O3

Optimise Windows for Peak PerformanceWhen your PC is new, Windows will run at optimal performance. Over time, as new applications are added and removed, and new files created and deleted, your system will become bloated, and performance will decrease. As your hard disk is used, the files on it become fragmented, and it takes longer for them to load. …

Categories: Optimisation
Operating Systems: 98, me, 2000, XP
Reference: O4

OneDrive for Windows 8/8.1Microsoft has completely integrated the free OneDrive online storage service into Windows 8/8.1. Using the built-in app or Windows Explorer, you can upload your files and have access to your data stored in the cloud. You can even access your data in the cloud from other devices and other versions of Windows. All you need to get started is …

Categories: Hardware, Optimisation
Operating Systems: Vista, 7, 8
Reference: O400

Online Privacy: 3 Ways to Beat the TrackersWherever you go online, you’re being watched. The vast majority of web pages you visit contain at least one ‘tracker’ placed there by companies who want to collect as much personal information about you as they can. That information isn’t necessarily as anonymous as you might have been led to believe. Although they might try …

Categories: Internet & Security
Operating Systems: 7, 8, 10
Reference: O436


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